Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Meiosis vs. Mitosis essays
Meiosis versus Mitosis papers Significant Comparisons Between Meiosis and Mitosis The two procedures of atomic division are comparable as in they permit cells to partition and replicate, yet they likewise have numerous distinctions. Meiosis is the kind of atomic division that happens in explicitly duplicating life forms. In meiosis, the diploid number of chromosomes is diminished to the haploid number. Gametes have the haploid number, while zygotes have the diploid number. The homologous chromosomes that show up in the zygote resemble the other the same and have a similar length and centromere position, yet the qualities they hold might be for restricting attributes. After duplication, the homologues become sister chromatids that are combined at the centromere. Meiosis additionally has two cell divisions, meiosis I and meiosis II. Synapsis happens toward the beginning of meiosis I. The arranging of the homologues brings about a bivalent, two homologous chromosomes that stay together during the underlying periods of meiosis I. After synapsis, the homologous chromosomes discrete and the little girl cells have one duplicate of every sort of chromosome. During meiosis II, the little girl chromosomes move to inverse shafts, leaving the chromosomes with just a single chromatid each. The fundamental reason for meiosis is to keep the chromosome number steady many ages. Notwithstanding meiosis, the chromosome number would keep on expanding definitely. It likewise guarantees that hereditary recombination will happen. Hereditary recombination causes it with the goal that posterity to don't have indistinguishable blend of qualities from their folks. One way this is accomplished is through traverse. Traverse is the procedure of circulation of the homologues to various little girl cells during synapsis. The hereditary directions from a mother and father are blended and the joined chromatids are not, at this point indistinguishable. The other key path for hereditary recombination to happen is through autonomous arrangement. At the point when homologues adjust at the metaphase plate, the mate ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Young Goodman Brown
Fearing the Dark of Humanity Nathaniel Hawthorne?s ?Young Goodman Brown,? broadly viewed as perhaps the best work, outlines strikingly how society and culture can impact one?s feeling of the real world (53 ). Goodman Brown is everyman of general insight endeavoring to live and accomplish a superior life (60 ). Confidence and honesty were day by day subjects in Puritan culture, anyway when Goodman Brown faces change in his observation, the once strong establishment is washed away. The excursion into the wild illuminates Brown to cultural realities in the midst of his battle inside himself and against individual men. It is a feared stroll on the clouded side of the human heart (26 ). Devouring the vast majority of Hawthorne?s story is a trial of confidence. For a quarter of a year Brown has been hitched to a young lady representing his confidence (60 ). She even conveys this name and gives her job access the story bind to that part of her husband?s life. Earthy colored requires his better half multiple times as he remains before the fiend at the adjust. Goodman at that point cries, ?My Faith is gone.?(9 ) As Brown is brought into the most profound shadows of the timberland and enters the fallen angels holy assistance, Hawthorne sensationalizes his inclination that once duty to abhorrent has been made, its motivation must win by making sure about a rack in Goodman?s soul. There is no battle of capacity to restrict it and in this story the force is inconsistent to such an extent that Faith, probably the Devil?s adversary, is brought into the camp of the foe (11 ). She shows up at the administration as a baptismal competitor alongside Goodman, a black out suggestion that Faith has her own agreement with the Devil. This additionally recommends her complicity might be preceding and more profound than Brown?s, as Faith could?ve assumed a job in the way of her better half (12 ). Her conceivable contribution at that point welcomes on a lowered incongruity in the way in which Faith comes to meet Goodman when he comes back to the town, as though she had not been available in the timberland. She welcomes him in a m... Free Essays on Young Goodman Brown Free Essays on Young Goodman Brown In 1835, Nathaniel Hawthorne composed â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†utilizing analogies and authentic sequences to make the narrative of a youngster going in the forested areas who gets together with the villain and sees the destiny of the townspeople he cherishes and lives with. A long way from a basic story, Hawthorne uses his own lineage and a brightness the entirety of his own to show an ethical exercise to the peruser and ingrain a feeling of excellence. The story told is one of danger and dread, however the message given is one that can leave you with a positive impression and a familiarity with your own self. Hawthorne’s interest with seventeenth-century Puritan culture can be ascribed to his own lineage. His incredible extraordinary incredible granddad originated from England in 1630 with John Winthrop’s incredible movement, the first of his family line in America, and assisted with the settling of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He settled first in Dorchester afterwards moved to Salem where his impact among the Puritan’s just developed. A dear companion of Winthrop and other unmistakable authorities in the town, William Hathorne, rose to the workplace of speaker in the House of Delegates and turned into a significant in the Salem state army (Stewart, 1). He strongly challenged Charles II in declining to come back to England, alongside Governor Bellingham, to debate the allegation of â€Å"the colony’s persevering disobedience to imperial authority†(Turner, 60). Be that as it may, regardless of his gallant American characteristics, William Hathorneâ€⠄¢s notoriety lies in the indictment of the Quakers and his mercilessness in his condemning. Hawthorne expounded on him in â€Å"The Custom House†: The figure of the principal predecessor, contributed by family convention with a diminish and shadowy magnificence, was available to my innocent creative mind for as long as I can recall. It despite everything frequents me, and prompts a kind of home inclination with the past†¦.He was a trooper, official, judge; he was a ruler in the Church; he had all the Puritanic attributes, both great and fiendishness. He was lik... Free Essays on Young Goodman Brown Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†tells a story of a youngster, Goodman Brown, who takes an excursion through the wild to characterize his actual confidence in his strict confidence. In addition to the fact that Goodman browns find the inward malevolent in the holiest individuals he knows, however he discovers that his own significant other, Faith, has gone to the fallen angel. Hawthorne utilizes Faith and others to demonstrate to individuals that each one has a tad of wickedness and sin in them. Before Goodman Brown leaves Faith reveals to him that he should remain and not leave her on during the night, however he answers her back disclosing to her it will be okay â€Å"My love and Faith.†(614) This kicks off the story by representing that Faith is simply not his significant other, yet shows that she is his strict confidence also. Goodman Brown alludes to Faith all through the excursion from various perspectives. At the point when Goodman Brown first experiences the fallen angel, he is inquired as to why he is late. He answers â€Å"Faith held me back awhile.†(614) Showing that he isn't sure he truly needs to continue with the excursion. In the puzzling woods, one next to the other strolling with the villain Goodman Brown is exceptionally befuddled on proceeding into the forested areas, yet he continues seeing holly individuals on a similar way that he is voyaging following the demon. Goodman Brown sees the first of his acutance, which shows the shrewdness inside themselves named goody Cloyse. She is experienced by earthy colored and the fiend as they are strolling through the forested areas, the fallen angel â€Å"pointed his staff at a female figure on the path†(616). This figure is a significant figure in brown’s life. She is a similar lady â€Å"who had shown his instruction, in youth was as yet his good and profound adviser†(616) Surprisingly, she pivots and starts a discussion with the fallen angel. â€Å" The devil!†shouted the ethical old woman. â€Å"Then goody Cloyse knows her old friends?†watched the explorer, going up against her, and inclining toward his squirming stick. (616). This conversation be... Free Essays on Young Goodman Brown Response to â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†is a captivating story that has been investigated and bantered for quite a long time. I altogether delighted in perusing this story and took in a lot from it. I accept that this story is perhaps the best story at any point composed. â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is about a man who tests his confidence and takes an excursion with the demon in a dull woodland. The story happens in Salem, Massachusetts during the Salem witch preliminaries. Goodman Brown had an interior clash among great and malevolence. Despite the fact that his better half, Faith, did whatever it takes not to go, he felt that he expected to go on this outing night. The fiend continued convincing him to walk further and more profound into the woods. The more profound he strolled the closer he was to fiendish. The fallen angel indicated Brown what number of the others he knew had just been on this excursion including Faith, his dad, his granddad, the town minister, and his old drill instructor. Goodman Brown could hardly imagine how these individuals he knew as great Christians could ever do such a terrible thing. He didn't understand that he was similarly as terrible by doing likewise when he met the falle n angel. At the point when he got back he shut himself off from the world, since he considered it to be ! totally malevolent. I enjoyed this story since it works superbly of depicting the topic of good and abhorrence. Youthful Goodman Brown neglected to understand that no one is immaculate in light of the fact that everybody sins. As per Angie Soler, â€Å"Hawthorne planned for the peruser to get mindful of the corruption joined by transgression. He expected for the peruser to see the truth of wrongdoing and the dread of the human damnation that was uncovered to Brown.†Brown judged and denounced others for transgression without seeing his own wickedness. I realize that I now and again take a gander at others and judge them. Hawthorne imaginatively gave me this isn't the best activity. By dismissing the entirety of society and confining him... Free Essays on Young Goodman Brown Youthful Goodman Brown †From Naivety to Maturity Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown is story outlining the ethical rule of good versus malicious. Hawthorne utilizes imagery and incongruity to hand-off his emotions towards man’s characteristic craving for underhanded and the fight to keep away from it in ones own heart. Following these abstract components takes the peruser through a fantasy purposeful anecdote loaded up with strict affectation. Finding and inspecting the two most conspicuous images all through the story permits the peruser to encounter how the endeavored change of Young Goodman Brown outcomes in a change from naivety to development. The main utilization of imagery comes as the names of Young Goodman Brown and his significant other, Faith. Youthful in the name actually implies that the fundamental character is a youngster. Hawthorne literarily announces this when he writes’ â€Å"†¦young Goodman Brown†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg104). Goodman in the name represents that he is a profound and great individual. With Brown being such a typical last name, it represents that Goodman could be anybody or everybody. The name Faith has a double representative importance. It truly implies strict confidence and furthermore speaks to Goodman Brown’s individual confidence and strict feelings. This is obvious when Brown states, â€Å"My love and my Faith of the considerable number of evenings in this year, this one night must I hesitate from thee†(pg104). Here, Goodman Brown is alluding to leaving his better half and his confidence in God. At first, Faith additionally speaks to youth as recognized when Goodman Br own, â€Å"†¦put his head back, subsequent to intersection the limit, to trade a splitting kiss with his young wife†(pg104). In spite of the fact that not comprehended until last mentioned, it is this
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
MIA and MPA Curriculum Update COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
MIA and MPA Curriculum Update COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Last year the Dean, working with faculty, administrators, alumni, and students, completed an MIA and MPA curriculum update that will apply to all new students starting in the fall of 2009. The main goal was to restructure our robust curriculum to provide more flexibility, bring faculty closer together, and allow students to package themselves better for work in the policy world. The core curriculum was refined to ensure that students have access to courses emphasizing strong economic and quantitative analysis skills along with strong management training. Some concentrations were also combined to bring faculty closer together. This will allow for even more professional development opportunities for our students. A key characteristic of our curriculum is the way we bridge academics to practical policy application. This is accomplished through both internships and workshops. Internships are individual professional opportunities that are completed with an outside client. Workshops are group projects (typically 5-10 students per group) completed with an outside client. Both of these opportunities provide students the opportunity to develop a professional portfolio to show potential employers. Workshops are set up by faculty members and are included in the syllabus for a course. By combining some of our concentrations faculty will now work more closely on these opportunities so that we may expand the number of options. The curriculum review also resulted in the addition of what are now referred to as specializations. You can think of a specialization as a minor that focuses on the development of a particular skill set. The goal of a concentration (think of this as your major) is to provide in depth policy knowledge and the specialization (think of this as your minor) will provide a strong set of regional or functional skills to ensure students are able to implement effective policy solutions. The majority of class offerings have remained the same and students will still have the opportunity to study elements that have always been a part of our programs of study. The main goal has been to restructure things in a way that is more beneficial for students to make an immediate transition into the policy world. For a complete breakdown of the MIA curriculum click here. For a complete breakdown of the MPA curriculum click here. Rob Garris, the Senior Associate Dean of SIPA, recently sat down and gave an overview of the changes. You can view the video by clicking here (Time of Video, 8:40).
Sunday, May 24, 2020
In The 21St Century, The Advancement In Medical Technology
In the 21st century, the advancement in medical technology has allowed DNA testing and counseling to become accessible to the general public. With the rise in population genetic curiosity of ancestral DNA markers, the tests have also been available to discover probability for diseases that have been inherited or in the genetic code through DNA mutations. According to a study in 2010, DNA screening for breast cancer is one of the most widely tested for the disease in the U.S. (Gail and Mai, 2010:666). Other pop culture factors have increased the awareness of this type of DNA counseling. In 2013 actress Angelina Jolie wrote a piece for the New York Times where she very publicly discussed her experience with BRCA testing and her decision to†¦show more content†¦The use of DNA testing for breast cancer prevention and treatment is significant to the field of biological anthropology because it is changing the lifespan of humans with predisposed diseases. Like Angelina Jolie, those who choose to proceed with preventative care such as a double mastectomy will prolong their reproductive years as well as their overall lifespan because the cancer will be removed when it normally effects the person during their reproductive years. Breast cancer may not itself prevent pregnancy, but treatment for it may cause infertility as well as the ability for a mother to provide and care for offspring. Although there is not enough research for this to, have theoretical backing, future studies m ay show the effects of DNA testing and breast cancer prevention and treatment on the population. What genes are tested? BRCA1 and BRCA2 are the commonly known genes linked to breast cancer risk. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are human genes that generate tumor suppressor proteins. These proteins help repair damaged DNA and, therefore, play a role in ensuring the stability of the cell’s genetic material. When either of these genes is mutated, or altered, such that its protein product either is not made or does not function correctly, DNA damage may not be repaired properly. As a result, cells are more likely to develop additional genetic alterations that can lead to cancer. Certain inherited mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 increase the potential of female breastShow MoreRelatedIs It A Human Incubator For Viruses?968 Words  | 4 Pagesworldwide epidemic with equal or more severity of the Black Death to happen. The available access to medical assistance and hygiene, advancement in medicine, and all the information help with preventing that from occurring. The world in the 1300s did not have these type of luxuries like the 21st century had to offer. This made the spread of viruses easier. Starting with the Middle Ages, access to medical help was limited. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
International business expansion and cultural impacts yielding success or failure The impact of culture on the global economy - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2103 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Economics Essay Type Analytical essay Level High school Did you like this example? International business expansion and cultural impacts yielding success or failure: The impact of culture on the global economy Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Business problem Hodge (2001) states: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Securing a global competitive advantage is the greatest challenge facing business today.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ After all, Scott (2004) tells us going à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“beyond the bordersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ is the next logical step for organisations once theyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢re established. In fact, among US franchises along, while only 3,365 had international units in 1971, by 1990 the number increased more than 10 fold to 39,000 franchised units (Scott 2004). Macnaghten and Jacobs (1997) emphasise the need to understand the manner in which the public of a target country identifies with and can support a product line or organisation in order to assure sustaintability, stating that if this is not properly studied, the likelihood of business success in expansion into a foreign country is highly unlikely. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "International business expansion and cultural impacts yielding success or failure: The impact of culture on the global economy" essay for you Create order Not only is an understanding of how the target country identifies with the product, but it is critical to understand the culture of the target country during all negotiations and business interactions in order to assure success. For example, Ostermiller (2004) cites the incident of a businessman arriving in casual attire inclusive of sandals to dine with Chinese representatives of an organisation. The deal was quickly quashed as straw sandals, like the ones worn by the casual businessman, represent funerals within the Chinese culture and representatives were highly offended at the implication and lack of regard for their heritage (Ostermiller 2004). Frase (2007) states many international deals are often lost due to the misinterpretation of a single word. Thus, the statement made by Shattuck (2006) that suggests a proper business and cultural foundation is critical in order for businesses to succeed in their plans for expansion or start-up in a new country is accurate and presen ts a growing problem in business today. There is a widespread, yet inaccurate belief that if one is successful in their own country, expanding into another is a natural step that should, theoretically, proceed without any problems. This is clearly not the case in the real world. Research phenomenon Kanter and Corn (1994) tell us which most business negotiations are fraught with tension, when acquisitions of international firms are involved in order to expand business in a target market; yet most frequently their success or failure is based on cultural values. Hodge (2001) believes that, while à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“hardà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ factors, including currency fluctuation, economic condition and political stability are critical to assess in a potential country of planned business expansion, it is the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“softà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ factor, cultural differences and cultural awareness that can make or break your business. For example, how are female managers viewed by the country planned for business entry? Cordana, Scherer and Owen (2002) determined that gender was the ultimate explanation for three times the variance than culture specific issues within a country; however, the attitudes towards gender are part of a countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s culture where resistance to female managers by male counterparts would be a source of friction. This was also highlighted in research on cross-cultural attitudes of organisations in India, Korea and the United States which found that significant cultural implications are responsible for concepts of power and strength within the business environment (Christie, Kwon, Stoeberl Baumhart, 2003). Research has also highlighted the role various industries present as cultural industries, such as fashion or design which have serious implications related to cultural awareness of target countries in order to assure success in business expansion (Banks, Lovatt, Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢Connor Raffo 2000). For example, Brooks Brother s made the decision in 1991 to expand from New York City to Italy, citing Italians as fashion conscious and ready for their type of classic clothing (Palmieri 1991). Palmieri (1991) also noted that Brooks Brotherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s already had a strong demand for their product in Italy prior to the expansion. Even within the computer technology industry, knowledge of how international websites are viewed and interpreted with respect to business must be designed with attention to cultural awareness and conform to cultural differences. For example, Zhang and Galletta (2006) note that Mexicans studied were seen as more patient during longer waiting periods for web pages to load when compared with Americans. Similar issues were highlighted in research conducted by Russo and Boor (1993) on the need for culturally aware user interfaces for international companies. For example, Russo and Boor (1993) sited the importance of word choice, local formats, use of images, colour choice and eve n process flow as needing to be appropriate for viewing and use in the target country. Business conduct and processes vary from culture and country to culture and country. For example, Aguinis and Kragier (2006) noted that in Latin America, meetings do not usually start at the scheduled time; however, oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s level of annoyance at the cultural phenomenon can lead to a quick dissolution of the business expansion plans as evidenced by a lack of cultural awareness. Cultural awareness on issues such as this are critical, as pointed out by Very and Schweiger (2001) who tell us that poorly managed acquisition processes can significantly sour the business relationship and opportunities in the target country. Concluding, Meschi (1997) notes that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the extent to which the longevity of an international joint venture affects the intensity of its cultural differences.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ In other words, attention to cultural differences leads to success or failure of business start-up or planned expansion into other countries. This is also supported by Baris Oney (cited in Looking for Opportunity? 2005), head of International Business Development Relations at Turkcell who tells us the most important facet in business expansion is finding a target country familiar with Western business standards plus a comprehensive understanding of the target regionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s socio-political undercurrents. Unresolved issues The majority of existing research appears limited in a number of ways. Firstly the primary focus on whether culture affects international business expansion tends to focus on management attention to culture from a human resources vantage point. Secondly, little purely academic research exists on the role of cultural appropriateness for international business expansion as proposed for this dissertation; the majority of current literature is primarily limited to trade journals, newspaper articles and discourse provided on webs ites. As such, it is believed that the results of this dissertation would add to the limited research available on the role of cultural awareness and cultural appropriateness on the success or failure of international expansion or state up. Research questions and hypotheses Based on a review of industry through current academic literature and the lack of data specific to the role of cultural awareness in business expansion or start-up in a foreign country, the following research questions and hypothesis is presented. Are some industries better suited to international expansion or start up than others? What role does technology play in the success or failure of international business based on cultural acceptance? How important is cultural awareness in the plans for international business expansion? Are some countries more accepting of international business expansion into their territories than others? Is there an international culture and language unique to global business (Clear window into Chinese market 2006)? Hypotheses: Cultural awareness is considered one of the most important aspects predicting the success of international business expansion or start-up. Rational and description of approach A mixed methodology approach is proposed in order to provide a comprehensive research effort. Cross, David, Graham and Thralls (1996) tell us the specific methodologies chosen should connect not only the research but the results to real world practicality. Particularly in the world of business, research has turned to using triangulated results from both qualitative and quantitative methodologies performed within the research scope of a single study to provide stronger and more meaningful results (Sogunro 2002). More specifically, Sogunro (2002) states that research studies should be designed based on what is most likely to provide the most useful set of knowledge. Therefore, if a researcher uses a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach results can provide complimentary data as benefitted from each unique methodology viewed separately (Devers 1999). Combined research methodologies also allow for a more descriptive study that Schollhammer (1994) believes are increasing seen as the research methodology most often used in management and business in order to allow for a more focused approach to research questions. Schollhammer (1994) concluded the most valuable pieces of research for business and management are those that use multiple methodological approaches. Therefore, this project proposes the mixed methodology approach Participants will be comprised of business development managers working in Fortune 500 companies as well as within medium sized companies from both Great Britain and from the United States. Participants will be actively recruited to take part in an online questionnaire specifically developed for this study. Although no contact information will be collected on the questionnaire itself, the last question on the survey will ask if the participant is interested in taking part in an online chat-like/focus group. Those participants who elect that option by answering à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“yesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ wi ll be automatically transferred online to a separate form for the participant to complete strictly on contact information and best time to arrange the online session, thus assuring no personal information will be maintained on the quantitative questionnaire portion of the study. Those who decline the invitation will automatically be logged off the system and their survey/questionnaire responses will automatically be uploaded into the database table constructed to hold feeds from the line research data. References Aguinis, H Kraiger, K. 2006. Intervening in emerging markets: Back to the basics, or go home empty-handed. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Inc. [Online]. Retrieved from: [Accessed 2 October 2008]. Banks, M, Lovatt, A, Oà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢Connor, J Raffo, C. 2000. Risk and trust in the cultural industries. Geoforum, 31(4), 453 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 464. Christie, PMJ, Kwon, IWG, Stoeberl, PA Baumhart, R. 2003. A cross-cultural comparison of ethical attitudes of business managers: India, Korea and the United States. Journal of Business Ethics, 24, 263 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 287. Clear window into Chinese market. 2006. Automotive Industries. [Online]. Retrieved from: [Accessed 8 October 2008]. Cordano, M, Scherer, RF Owen, C. 2002. Attitudes toward women as managers: Sex versus culture. Women in Management Review, 17(10), 51 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 60. Cross, GA, David, CS, Graham, MB Thralls, C. 1996.Thinking and rethinking business methodology. Business Communication Quarterly, 59(3), 105 115. Devers, KJ. 1999. How will we know à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“goodà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ qualitative research when we see it? Beginning the dialogue in health services research. Health Services Research, 34(5), 1153 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1188. Frase, M. 2007. How all employees a wider world: Even employees who donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t travel over seas need to know the culture and practices of the countries where you have commercial ties. HR Magazine. [Online]. Retrieved from: [Accessed 8 October 2008]. Galletta, D., Henry, RM, Mccoy, S Polak, P. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Understanding the direct and interaction effects of web delay and related factors: A research program.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ In Computer Interaction and Management Information Systems Foundations, eds. P Zhang D Galletta. Human-Advances in Management Information Systems, 5, 26 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 69. Hodge, S. 2000. Global smarts: The art of communicating and deal making anywhere in the world. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc. Kanter, RM Corn, RI. 1994. Do cultural differences make a business difference? Contextual factors affecting cross-cultural relationship success. Journal of Management Development, 13(2), 5 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 23. Looking for an opportunity? Go East, young man: European and US companies are incre asingly looking at Turkey s a partner and springboard to new markets further afield. Foreign Policy. [Online]. Retrieved from [Accessed 8 October 2008]. Macnaghten, P Jacobs, M. 1997. Public identification with sustainable development investigating cultural barriers to participation. Global Environmental Change, 7(1), 5 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 24. Meschi, PX. 1997. Longevity and cultural differences of international joint ventures: Toward time-based cultural management. Human Relations, 50(2), 211 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 228. Ostermiller, P. 2004. Global gifting: A sampling of suitable gifts from local honey to yak hair hats. Utah Business. Retrieved from: [Accessed 8 October 2008]. Palmieri, JE. 1991. Brooks Bros. to sell line to Italian stores. Daily News Record. [Online]. Retrieved from [Accessed 8 October 2008]. Russo, P Boor, S. How fluent is yo ur interface? Designing for international users. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Proceedings of the INTERACT à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢93 and CHI à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢93 conference on human factors in computing systems. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1993, pages 342 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 347. Schollhammer, H. 1994. Strategies and methodologies in international business and comparative management research. Management International Review, 34, 5 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 20. Scott, NR. 2004. For the stout-hearted and well-heeled, opportunities abound overseas. Franchising World. [Online]. Retrieved from: [Accessed 8 October 2008]. Shattuck, MC. 2006. How franchise companies can target growth markets. Franchising World. [Online]. Retrieved from: [Accessed 8 October 2008]. Sogunro, O. 2002. Selecting a quantitative or qualitative research methodology: An experience. Educational Research Quarterly, 26 (1), 3- 10. Stephens, GK Greer, CR. 1995. Doing business in Mexico: Understanding cultural differences. Organizational Dynamics, 24(1), 39 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 55. Very, P Schweiger, DM. 2001. The acquisition process as a learning process: Evidence from a study of critical problems and solutions in domestic and cross-border deals. Journal of World Business, 36(1), 11 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 31.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Wireless Technology Proposal Free Essays
Starting a business can be challenging as well as rewarding. Implementing the use of modern, relevant technology will help promote success within the business. Wireless devices can be used to help with achieving and maintaining that success. We will write a custom essay sample on Wireless Technology Proposal or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is a vast array of wireless devices available to choose from. It is important to know which of these would be most useful for the party plate business. With research, it has been determined that party plates would benefit most from modern cell phones and the Apple IPAD. We recommend that each employee be provided a cellular phone and also an Apple IPAD for business purposes. Attached is a detailed proposal that addresses the pro’s and cons of incorporating these two devices. We will justify the decision of choosing the devices and our research and data will break down the economical concerns associated with implementing this plan of action. In conjunction with my team, we have deliberated and decided upon two wireless technologies that would be beneficial to administer in the Party Plates organization. We have decided to implement the usefulness of Apple iPads Blackberry phones into our company to streamline business. The iPad offers apps that eliminate paper-based processes that give you realtime information, and improve efficiency of common office activities. iPad gives you immediate access to important files. Utilizing easytouse business apps on iPad, you can review and edit Microsoft Office and iWork files, fine-tune presentations, and annotate PDFs. iPads allows you to continue working on important projects even when you’re away from your desk. Using an iPad simplifies all your business-critical tasks, whether it’s managing inventory, tracking shipments, or invoicing clients. With iPad and apps from the App Store, get equipped with ready-to-go solutions to keep your operations on course. iPad is also an incredible mobile sales tool to help you manage all your customer relationships. With its wireless connectivity, iPad gives you on-the-spot access to your CRM database for customer information, sales data, and task lists. In addition to the iPad, our team chose to incorporate the Blackberry phone as a wireless mobile device as well. The advantages of giving your employees a blackberry as a business device allows users to make phone calls, send emails, look at and send documents, text messages and pictures, and record and listen to voicemails from anywhere in the world. The business benefits of these devices have led some companies to purchase a plan for every employee. This has led some companies to see an increase in employee efficiency and happiness. With a company Blackberry, an employee can conduct business when outside of the office. Mobile access to communications and information helps you respond promptly to inquiries and address customer concerns immediately, enhancing their satisfaction. Access to up-to-date information helps you capitalize on business opportunities virtually whenever and wherever they arise. Technology has many benefits to a business; however there are also many potential disadvantages. One important benefit for a bus to use wireless technology is to save money. Wireless Technology regulates the need for employees to come into the office. For example, if there is a meeting that would involve several employees in different locations it would save the company money to not have to pay for travel expenses. It is an advantage for employees to use their company phones. Wireless communication increases communication by receiving information faster. Wireless communication allows employees to be easy to contact when on the move. Most of all there is no need for cords. On the negative side of wireless technology, many businesses depend on electronic systems and operation for the company can come to an immediate standstill if the software crashes or the system goes down. Second, software is constantly changing and needing upgrading and technical support could be time consuming. Security can be an issue; unauthorized people can attack wireless technology. The mobile speed is not as fast as a desktop computer, and sometimes servicing can be expensive. As our business Party Plates continues to emerge we will continue to require advancement in our technology. Wireless technology plays a huge role in the way we facilitate our day to day business. Some of the latest additions to our wireless devices are such as the cell phone and I-pad. These wireless devices will ensure our employees not only have a variety but flexibility alike. Our management team and sales associates are finding it not only convenient but it helps with their overall productivity of our products for several reasons. First, wireless technology allows our employees the opportunity to be productive and use their time that was formerly being wasted. A good example would be, most employees commute to work on public transportation. The commute allows them the time to research new and innovate ways and ideas to help continue the growth of our company or complete unfinished assignments. Secondly, because our employees or able to take their devices with them, their work locations are much more flexible. Another great advantage to upgrading to wireless technology is that it allows our employees the opportunity to allocate their work time around their personal obligations. The following is a spreadsheet to track hardware and software requirements. In conclusion, you can see the company will successfully meet goals, and provide a more substantial way of communication for all staff. After carefully reviewing the operation of Party Plates a modern relevant and sufficient technology to consider are cell phones and the up to date IPAD 2. Our team would gladly assist your company to moving forward with a wireless way of communication. Reference: http://us. blackberry. com/business/types/small/SolutionsBrochure_V5. pdf How to cite Wireless Technology Proposal, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Computer Security Breach Place Cyber Attackâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Computer Security Breach Place Cyber Attack? Answer: Introduction There seems to be a data security breach almost on a daily basis, so much that every time it hits an organization or a country, the loss is repairable. One such that took place in the mont of June 2017 was by the name of Petya which is not a ransomware attack but a wiper. The said attacks consequences are found to be much more alarming than construed by people. It had ended up attacking and destroying the networks of various companies across Europe. Generally security breaches lead to utilization of stolen data but not destruction of the same, however the said attack leads to the later i.e. destruction of data on a huge scale. The attackers were never inclined towards a motive of obtaining any sort of financial gain from these entities and such other victims. The earlier version of the same attack was not as deadly as the 2017 version which is termed as wiper by various researchers. The malicious software is known as Petya, NotPetya, ExPet, Nyetya and such other names (Hackett, 2017) . Here the issue lies is that the data once destroyed cannot be retrieved again. Assessment Of The Issue Thus it is understood that the said attack is even more worse than any such ransomware attacks wherein the victim at least has the surety to get hold of the stolen data. Unfortunately the latest version of this attack leads to permanent deletion of significant data. Europe and USA have been the main victims of the said attack. Companies such as WPP, Mondelez a food company, DLA Piper- a law firm and Danish Shipping and transport firm Maersk wherein the information has been taken into custody by the attackers and ransomware is being demanded for. Petya has been found successful in abusing the EternalBlue and EternalRomance vulnerabilities in Microsofts systems ((Brandom, 2017). As per the security company, Kaspersky Lab, the hack had infected around 2000 systems in around more than a dozen countries. As mentioned above, the Eternal Blue was not only the way this virus could spread, however there were other means also (McGoogan. 2017). Unfortunately, this is even more dangerous than the WannaCry attack which took place in May 2017 since there seems to be no immediate remedy to deal with the said hack. Petyas main motive is not to destroy the single files or documents but to infect the entire hard drive of a system. Thereby the issue here is not only the attacking of the systems but to ensure that they stop working in totality. Pravda, a Ukranian organization has stated that its systems at Chernobyl nuclear plant has been a victim of the said virus. Similarly, Maersk has also confirmed that its systems in Rotterdam has been infected. Seventeen shipping container terminals run by APM terminals have been infected too wherein two are stated in Rotterdam and the rest in various other parts of the world. However, the intensity of the virus attack is no deep and the rate at which it has been spread on a world wide scale infecting major business houses and infrastructural facilities, it seems that it is not possible to halt it from spreading further. Unfortunately the source of the said attack is still being searched upon by the researchers (Rothwell 2017). Although it being guessed that the main start is from Ukraine. Solutions To Prevent Such Hacks Since EternalBlue and EternalRomance weakness of the Microsoft has been one of the major issues behind the attack, one of the very prominent solution to prevent such attacks is by regular updating the MS Windows program, by mounting the Marchs crucial patch which helps to fight against the said weakness is found to be one of the main ways out to stop the spread of such an attack. This will also help to protect against the attacks in future as well with various payloads. Also various anti-virus entities have recently said that their software have already been updated to be able to detect and protect against the said anti-virus (Haynes, 2017). Another very important way to safeguard oneself from such attacks is by taking a backup of all files on a regular basis so the impact of such attacks would not be felt too harshly. Apart from this, if the system is attacked by Petya, then the procedure for the same is that after infecting the PCs, it waits for an hour before the system is rebooted. Thus when the system is rebooting the user should switch off the machine so that files will not get corrupted and soon the system should be disconnected from the internet. The hard drive should be immediately reformatted and then the back-up files reloaded again. This would enable safeguarding of the system from the anti-virus attack (Solon Hern, 2017). Conclusion Hence it can be summarized as an attack which is even more dangerous than those which demand ransom like the WannaCry. May 2017 had seen one fothe worst in the history of cyber attacks but June 2017 had seen even worser wherein the entire hard drive gets infected to such an extent that the files are destroyed permanently leaving the user with no option of recovery if back-ups are not taken. Thus full efforts should be made to ensure that the system is updated with the latest anti-virus along with adequate back-ups so that recovery is not an issue. References: Brandom,R. (2017). The Petya ransomware is starting to look like a cyberattack in disguise. Retrieved from Hackett,R. (2017). What that Globe Circling, Business-Crushing Malware Wreck Computers. Retrieved from Haynes,J. (2017). Cyber attack: Whats going on with the latest ransomware virus? Retrieved from McGoogan,C. (2017). Petya cyber attack: Everything to know about the global ransomware outbreak. Retrieved from Rothwell,J., Titcomb,J. McGoogan,C. (2017). Petya Cyber Attack : Ransomware spreads across Europe with firms in Ukraine, Britain and Spain Shut down. Retrieved from Solon,O. Hern,A. (2017). Petya ransomware attack: what is it and how can it be stopped? Retrieved from
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War Essay Example
The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War Essay The First World War raged on for four savage and bloody years, claiming lives and destroying the futures of those left behind as survivors. As the war entered what would be seen in retrospect as its final official year, 1918, another enemy far more elusive and harder to defeat than even the most organized army would emerge on the scene in the guise of the so-called ‘Spanish Flu’. When this pandemic is examined and discussed in comparison and contrast to the experiences of WWI, a greater understanding of human, international and military history during this pivotal time emerges. Therefore, in this paper, these topics will be presented and interwoven with the intention, upon completion of the research, of presenting not only a story of history, but also one of humanity. An Examination of ‘Spanish Flu’ When conducting research into the ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic of 1918-1919, one literally finds thousands of sources of information about the clinical aspects of the illness, death tolls, and the like, but information regarding the true origin of this spreading of the influenza virus is typically a bit harder to find, but worth the search, for when the facts are presented, the reality of what has been falsely attributed to a Spanish origin can be seen to actually be anything but Spanish in retrospect. We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer ‘Spanish Flu’, as was suggested earlier, does not exist; as a matter of fact, the strain of influenza that was given this name actually can be traced back to an American army camp in the spring of 1918; from that camp, the sickness was carried to France by Expeditionary Forces that were allied with the French in the fighting of the war (Phillips, et al). If this information is in fact accurate, the question arises as to how/why the name ‘Spanish’ was attached to this flu at all. The truth of the matter is in fact multi-faceted. Generally, the world attitude toward Spain in regard to WWI was not favorable, due to the fact that the nation chose not to take a side in the war, and perhaps even more importantly, did not offer any troops, financial support, or equipment to anyone involved in the war effort itself (Larson); therefore, the stage was set for a great deal of resentment toward Spain for what was perceived as a lack of involvement in the war effort. Moreover, during the time of WWI, when so many other nations were on the brink of destruction and bankruptcy, Spain was in fact enjoying a fair level of financial prosperity. Whether this was due to a lack of involvement in the war is still a point of debate, but a logical conclusion can be drawn that the economy and populous of Spain would have been worse off had the nation been engaged in WWI. As news of the safety and prosperity of the Spanish nation began to spread throughout the war-stricken parts of Europe, a great deal of people, seeking to escape the ravages of war and take advantage of economic opportunity, immigrated to Spain (Page). Because of this massive influx of people, the cities of Spain soon became less than desirable in terms of crowded living conditions, sanitation, and the like- a breeding ground for disease. Upon this stage, sources indicate that many French refugees came to Spain, and many of these individuals were carriers of the influenza that has been traced back to American soldiers; therefore, the flu ravaged Spain and was exported when people, who did not have familial or economic ties to Spain, came and went with regularity. In this sense, the biggest export from Spain at the time was in fact the flu, but it was not due to any action or inaction on the part of the Spanish people, government, or medical system. The reality is that this flu could actually be more accurately called the ‘American Flu†if the criterion for naming it is the nation/nationality that originated the sickness in the first place. The Spanish press of the day can also be seen to have played a role in the creation of the term ‘Spanish Flu’. Once the illness had begun to heavily affect those living in Spain, whether they were citizens, of Spanish descent or not, the national newspapers carried extensive accounts of the experiences of those afflicted, death tolls, and other associated news items (Phillips, et al). The reality is that whatever the intention of Spanish reporters sensationalistic or not, the net effect was to give Spain an unfair burden of guilt as the â€Å"creators†of the influenza epidemic which began in 1918. The Experience of the First World War The experience of WWI was more complex than one may imagine, even from its beginning, and once again, research reveals that much lurks beneath the surface of the traditional version of how the war started and progressed. There was more to the onset of the war then the event of an Austrian prince being murdered in Serbia, as is what most people consider to be the cause of World War I.   Furthermore, the effects of the war were not just concentrated to a post-war era lasting for a generation of Westerners.  Rather, it was the breaking point for Austria in its dealings with Serbia. The truth of the matter is that several factors played a role in the outbreak of the war. WWI truly was the result of building aggressions among the countries of Europe which was backed by the rise of nationalism. To add to the disastrous pot, there was also imperial competition along with the fear of war prompting military alliances and arms  race. All of these increased the escalating tensions that lead to the outbreak of WWI (Higham, et al). Another experience to come out of WWI was the first of what would become many â€Å"arms races†. With the hostile divisions of the nations of Europe there came the expansion of armies and navies. Furthermore, the great powers came to copy Germany’s military organization and efficiency, which called for universal registration for military duty, large reserves and detailed planning (Coetzee, et al). Efforts were made for universal disarmament, but the escalation of weapons continued unrestricted, much like a case of history repeating itself, when looked upon from the perspective of the arms races of today. The extreme popularity of the development of more and more weapons during the WWI era also served as a catalyst for another occurrence which even today is viewed as barbaric and unacceptable in virtually all war situations- chemical weapons and warfare. Much like the more aptly named ‘American Flu’ used a naturally occurring situation to claim millions of lives, the scientists of the WWI era began to harness the power of chemical reactions to create weapons such as Mustard Gas, which would, without distinction between soldiers and civilians, literally poison men, women, and children en masse. In fact, there is also evidence to suggest that these chemical weapons were not originated by crazed military geniuses, but rather were based upon the discoveries and studies conducted by some of the most brilliant minds of chemistry, found in the universities of the world (Russell). In an ironic twist, chemicals originally formulated as pesticides, ostensibly to improve the lives of individuals, were adapted for the purposes of war and killing people by the thousands, indiscriminately (Russell). The experience of WWI also set the stage for some of the worst events that would befall human history in the decades to come. In 1929 the American stock market came to a crashing halt. With the financial crisis also came a decrease of production, and naturally this lead to widespread unemployment. The era of the Great Depression was also the era of the rise of political dictatorship throughout Europe. These dictatorships involved a new form of tyranny and were most evident in the rise of Nazi Germany and particularly, Adolf Hitler. It is believed by many that Hitler would never have came to power if it had not been for the sounding defeat and humiliation of Germany as the result of WWI and its immediate aftermath (Luckhurst). Interrelationship Between The Elements Looking at the relationship between the experiences of what is commonly called ‘Spanish Flu’ and World War I, there are both concrete and abstract relationships between the two that emerge, and can be identified and discussed. First, the concrete associations between these elements virtually jump out at even the most casual researcher, and the parallels manifest themselves: both elements grew with tremendous ferocity to claim millions of lives, and leave behind nothing but misery and sadness for the survivors, most of whom spent the rest of their lives trying to understand exactly what happened, why it happened, and what can be done to prevent such a horrible tragedy from ever showing itself again. Both elements, once they reached full speed so to speak, were unstoppable, and had to quite literally â€Å"run their course†before they subsided (Coetzee). Moreover, both of these provided hollow victories, for both war and disease would emerge time and time again, and do so even in the 21st century. Likewise, war and disease evolved for the worse during the time of WWI, and no one was able to find a way to complete erase either from the face of the earth. More abstract relationships between the two can also be seen; perhaps one of the most interesting common threads can be seen in the role of the media in both events. In the case of the influenza outbreak, evidence presented earlier in this paper showed that the frenzy that was generated by the media led to the misnaming of the so-called ‘Spanish Flu’, and no amount of attempts to correct the error, after being placed in the minds of the people by the media of the day, could reach any level of effectiveness. Also, those who carried the flu, as was also discussed earlier, were likely attracted to Spain in the first place by the media accounts of safety, freedom and economic prosperity in Spain, while the majority of the rest of the world was in the grips of a war that had the potential to destroy everyone and everything. Therefore, it would not be too much of a leap to say that the media carried the influenza epidemic as much as the human body did. From an abstract viewpoint, the overall idea of frailty of human life is also critically important. In an old adage, whose originator is lost to obscurity, it was once said that â€Å"man plans- God laughs†, meaning that for all that we think we control in the human condition, essentially, we in reality control very little. Keeping this in mind, whether one is talking about a chemical weapon, human illness, or the natural tendency of man to conflict with other men in a pursuit of power and control of the physical world, there are some elements which are uncontrollable, no matter what one may attempt to manipulate.  As much as the human race may kid itself, and lull into a false sense of security by thinking that everything is in control and that the future can be at its brightest, the reality is that nothing is for certain. Disease and war, as presented in this paper, are prime examples of this. Conclusion This paper has shown the concrete and abstract associations between war and disease, as well as the complexities of the human condition. In closing, perhaps the best information that can be drawn from the research is that the human race, as has been said time and time again, must either learn from history or be condemned to repeat it. Perhaps, finally, no wiser words have ever been said. The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War Essay Example The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War Essay The First World War raged on for four savage and bloody years, claiming lives and destroying the futures of those left behind as survivors. As the war entered what would be seen in retrospect as its final official year, 1918, another enemy far more elusive and harder to defeat than even the most organized army would emerge on the scene in the guise of the so-called ‘Spanish Flu’. When this pandemic is examined and discussed in comparison and contrast to the experiences of WWI, a greater understanding of human, international and military history during this pivotal time emerges. Therefore, in this paper, these topics will be presented and interwoven with the intention, upon completion of the research, of presenting not only a story of history, but also one of humanity. An Examination of ‘Spanish Flu’ When conducting research into the ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic of 1918-1919, one literally finds thousands of sources of information about the clinical aspects of the illness, death tolls, and the like, but information regarding the true origin of this spreading of the influenza virus is typically a bit harder to find, but worth the search, for when the facts are presented, the reality of what has been falsely attributed to a Spanish origin can be seen to actually be anything but Spanish in retrospect. We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer ‘Spanish Flu’, as was suggested earlier, does not exist; as a matter of fact, the strain of influenza that was given this name actually can be traced back to an American army camp in the spring of 1918; from that camp, the sickness was carried to France by Expeditionary Forces that were allied with the French in the fighting of the war (Phillips, et al). If this information is in fact accurate, the question arises as to how/why the name ‘Spanish’ was attached to this flu at all. The truth of the matter is in fact multi-faceted. Generally, the world attitude toward Spain in regard to WWI was not favorable, due to the fact that the nation chose not to take a side in the war, and perhaps even more importantly, did not offer any troops, financial support, or equipment to anyone involved in the war effort itself (Larson); therefore, the stage was set for a great deal of resentment toward Spain for what was perceived as a lack of involvement in the war effort. Moreover, during the time of WWI, when so many other nations were on the brink of destruction and bankruptcy, Spain was in fact enjoying a fair level of financial prosperity. Whether this was due to a lack of involvement in the war is still a point of debate, but a logical conclusion can be drawn that the economy and populous of Spain would have been worse off had the nation been engaged in WWI. As news of the safety and prosperity of the Spanish nation began to spread throughout the war-stricken parts of Europe, a great deal of people, seeking to escape the ravages of war and take advantage of economic opportunity, immigrated to Spain (Page). Because of this massive influx of people, the cities of Spain soon became less than desirable in terms of crowded living conditions, sanitation, and the like- a breeding ground for disease. Upon this stage, sources indicate that many French refugees came to Spain, and many of these individuals were carriers of the influenza that has been traced back to American soldiers; therefore, the flu ravaged Spain and was exported when people, who did not have familial or economic ties to Spain, came and went with regularity. In this sense, the biggest export from Spain at the time was in fact the flu, but it was not due to any action or inaction on the part of the Spanish people, government, or medical system. The reality is that this flu could actually be more accurately called the ‘American Flu†if the criterion for naming it is the nation/nationality that originated the sickness in the first place. The Spanish press of the day can also be seen to have played a role in the creation of the term ‘Spanish Flu’. Once the illness had begun to heavily affect those living in Spain, whether they were citizens, of Spanish descent or not, the national newspapers carried extensive accounts of the experiences of those afflicted, death tolls, and other associated news items (Phillips, et al). The reality is that whatever the intention of Spanish reporters sensationalistic or not, the net effect was to give Spain an unfair burden of guilt as the â€Å"creators†of the influenza epidemic which began in 1918. The Experience of the First World War The experience of WWI was more complex than one may imagine, even from its beginning, and once again, research reveals that much lurks beneath the surface of the traditional version of how the war started and progressed. There was more to the onset of the war then the event of an Austrian prince being murdered in Serbia, as is what most people consider to be the cause of World War I.   Furthermore, the effects of the war were not just concentrated to a post-war era lasting for a generation of Westerners.  Rather, it was the breaking point for Austria in its dealings with Serbia. The truth of the matter is that several factors played a role in the outbreak of the war. WWI truly was the result of building aggressions among the countries of Europe which was backed by the rise of nationalism. To add to the disastrous pot, there was also imperial competition along with the fear of war prompting military alliances and arms  race. All of these increased the escalating tensions that lead to the outbreak of WWI (Higham, et al). Another experience to come out of WWI was the first of what would become many â€Å"arms races†. With the hostile divisions of the nations of Europe there came the expansion of armies and navies. Furthermore, the great powers came to copy Germany’s military organization and efficiency, which called for universal registration for military duty, large reserves and detailed planning (Coetzee, et al). Efforts were made for universal disarmament, but the escalation of weapons continued unrestricted, much like a case of history repeating itself, when looked upon from the perspective of the arms races of today. The extreme popularity of the development of more and more weapons during the WWI era also served as a catalyst for another occurrence which even today is viewed as barbaric and unacceptable in virtually all war situations- chemical weapons and warfare. Much like the more aptly named ‘American Flu’ used a naturally occurring situation to claim millions of lives, the scientists of the WWI era began to harness the power of chemical reactions to create weapons such as Mustard Gas, which would, without distinction between soldiers and civilians, literally poison men, women, and children en masse. In fact, there is also evidence to suggest that these chemical weapons were not originated by crazed military geniuses, but rather were based upon the discoveries and studies conducted by some of the most brilliant minds of chemistry, found in the universities of the world (Russell). In an ironic twist, chemicals originally formulated as pesticides, ostensibly to improve the lives of individuals, were adapted for the purposes of war and killing people by the thousands, indiscriminately (Russell). The experience of WWI also set the stage for some of the worst events that would befall human history in the decades to come. In 1929 the American stock market came to a crashing halt. With the financial crisis also came a decrease of production, and naturally this lead to widespread unemployment. The era of the Great Depression was also the era of the rise of political dictatorship throughout Europe. These dictatorships involved a new form of tyranny and were most evident in the rise of Nazi Germany and particularly, Adolf Hitler. It is believed by many that Hitler would never have came to power if it had not been for the sounding defeat and humiliation of Germany as the result of WWI and its immediate aftermath (Luckhurst). Interrelationship Between The Elements Looking at the relationship between the experiences of what is commonly called ‘Spanish Flu’ and World War I, there are both concrete and abstract relationships between the two that emerge, and can be identified and discussed. First, the concrete associations between these elements virtually jump out at even the most casual researcher, and the parallels manifest themselves: both elements grew with tremendous ferocity to claim millions of lives, and leave behind nothing but misery and sadness for the survivors, most of whom spent the rest of their lives trying to understand exactly what happened, why it happened, and what can be done to prevent such a horrible tragedy from ever showing itself again. Both elements, once they reached full speed so to speak, were unstoppable, and had to quite literally â€Å"run their course†before they subsided (Coetzee). Moreover, both of these provided hollow victories, for both war and disease would emerge time and time again, and do so even in the 21st century. Likewise, war and disease evolved for the worse during the time of WWI, and no one was able to find a way to complete erase either from the face of the earth. More abstract relationships between the two can also be seen; perhaps one of the most interesting common threads can be seen in the role of the media in both events. In the case of the influenza outbreak, evidence presented earlier in this paper showed that the frenzy that was generated by the media led to the misnaming of the so-called ‘Spanish Flu’, and no amount of attempts to correct the error, after being placed in the minds of the people by the media of the day, could reach any level of effectiveness. Also, those who carried the flu, as was also discussed earlier, were likely attracted to Spain in the first place by the media accounts of safety, freedom and economic prosperity in Spain, while the majority of the rest of the world was in the grips of a war that had the potential to destroy everyone and everything. Therefore, it would not be too much of a leap to say that the media carried the influenza epidemic as much as the human body did. From an abstract viewpoint, the overall idea of frailty of human life is also critically important. In an old adage, whose originator is lost to obscurity, it was once said that â€Å"man plans- God laughs†, meaning that for all that we think we control in the human condition, essentially, we in reality control very little. Keeping this in mind, whether one is talking about a chemical weapon, human illness, or the natural tendency of man to conflict with other men in a pursuit of power and control of the physical world, there are some elements which are uncontrollable, no matter what one may attempt to manipulate.  As much as the human race may kid itself, and lull into a false sense of security by thinking that everything is in control and that the future can be at its brightest, the reality is that nothing is for certain. Disease and war, as presented in this paper, are prime examples of this. Conclusion This paper has shown the concrete and abstract associations between war and disease, as well as the complexities of the human condition. In closing, perhaps the best information that can be drawn from the research is that the human race, as has been said time and time again, must either learn from history or be condemned to repeat it. Perhaps, finally, no wiser words have ever been said.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Free Essays on Donatello
English/ Western Civilizations 10 Pre-IB April 15, 2002 Donatello and His Art Revolution â€Å"Our Glory is all the greater since we, with neither precursors nor models, are creating arts and sciences of a kind never seen or heard of before†(Alberti qtd. in Poeschke). In the Early Renaissance, artists and scholars were incorporating the values and ideals of Ancient Rome and Greece into the growth that became important concepts of the High Renaissance. Donatello made his own place during a time when sculpture was in transition from Gothic traditionalism to classical realism. During the Gothic period, art and sculpture depicted Christian ideas. In Donatello's lifetime (1386? -1466), the patrons of sculpture were still primarily interested in church purposes, but the new trends in style were being influenced by realism. This stylistic realism drew strongly from classical forms to depict human endeavors and emotions. Donatello developed artistic trends appearing at the time by expanding on the humanistic qualities, mastering the depiction of realistic expressio n and perspective in his sculptures, and refusing to compromise his ideals for the sake of conventional patrons. The church’s hold on daily life and thought was changing. Even though Donatello was not the only influential artist of the time, some others were Nanni di Banco, Ghiberti, and Brunelleschi; Donatello led them in revolutionizing the ideals of art. In conformance to virtually every other aspect of Renaissance culture, Donatello was a humanist. Webster tells us that humanism is the â€Å"[...] study of classical Greek and Latin literature and culture during the Middle Ages and was one of the factors giving rise to the Renaissance [...] characterized by an emphasis on human interests rather than on the natural world or religion†(707). Donatello did first hand research of the Ancient Roman styles. After his friend, Brunelleschi, lost the compe... Free Essays on Donatello Free Essays on Donatello English/ Western Civilizations 10 Pre-IB April 15, 2002 Donatello and His Art Revolution â€Å"Our Glory is all the greater since we, with neither precursors nor models, are creating arts and sciences of a kind never seen or heard of before†(Alberti qtd. in Poeschke). In the Early Renaissance, artists and scholars were incorporating the values and ideals of Ancient Rome and Greece into the growth that became important concepts of the High Renaissance. Donatello made his own place during a time when sculpture was in transition from Gothic traditionalism to classical realism. During the Gothic period, art and sculpture depicted Christian ideas. In Donatello's lifetime (1386? -1466), the patrons of sculpture were still primarily interested in church purposes, but the new trends in style were being influenced by realism. This stylistic realism drew strongly from classical forms to depict human endeavors and emotions. Donatello developed artistic trends appearing at the time by expanding on the humanistic qualities, mastering the depiction of realistic expressio n and perspective in his sculptures, and refusing to compromise his ideals for the sake of conventional patrons. The church’s hold on daily life and thought was changing. Even though Donatello was not the only influential artist of the time, some others were Nanni di Banco, Ghiberti, and Brunelleschi; Donatello led them in revolutionizing the ideals of art. In conformance to virtually every other aspect of Renaissance culture, Donatello was a humanist. Webster tells us that humanism is the â€Å"[...] study of classical Greek and Latin literature and culture during the Middle Ages and was one of the factors giving rise to the Renaissance [...] characterized by an emphasis on human interests rather than on the natural world or religion†(707). Donatello did first hand research of the Ancient Roman styles. After his friend, Brunelleschi, lost the compe...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Current Problems With Migrant Workers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Current Problems With Migrant Workers - Essay Example In simple terms, migration can be defined as the process of the movement of people from one place to another occurs for better living prospects or job opportunities. Migration usually occurs internally and externally. In other words, migration cane takes place within the boundaries of the country and also between different countries. Globalization, liberalization and privatization like modern economic principles gave momentum to the migration activities. Countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc have excessive labor forces and lesser job opportunities whereas countries or regions such as America, Europe, Middle East have excessive job opportunities and lesser manpower. In order to keep a balance between the number of labor force and the number of opportunities, countries often encourage migration activities. Even though migration is a kind of fortune exploration, it is not necessary that all the migrants may get better fortunes because of migration. In fact migrant workers are fa cing lot of personal, social and family problems in their workplace which is situated in locations other than their native places. In most of the cases, workers are usually comfortable in working near their native places because of their better awareness about the local culture and working environment. However, migrant workers forced to work in entirely new places which could be extremely different; socially, linguistically, legally, politically and economically from their native places. All these parameters can create huge problems to the migrant workers and their families. This paper analyses the current problems facing by migrant workers and the possible solutions for this problem. Current problems with migrant workers The latest changes in the UK government's managed migration policy with the introduction of a new Points-Based System have been recognized as privileging White European economic migrant workers - including those from Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries - a t the expense of low-skilled (non-White) workers from outside of the European Union (Pemberton & Stevens, 2010, p.1289). Europe is a region which is facing severe manpower shortage virtually in all the critical areas of employment. People from all over the world are currently working at different parts of Europe. For example, in majority of the European hospitals, a substantial portion of the working nurses are from Asian countries. Since the integration of European countries is currently taking place though European Union, many European countries have implemented different labour laws for different people. In other words, labour laws for White European economic migrant workers are entirely different from the labour laws for black people. In other words, racial discrimination in the form of labour discrimination is still prevailing in many of the European countries. The case of America is also not much different. Violence against the migrant workers are growing everywhere in the wor ld. It should be noted that people from developed countries are reluctant in accepting professions which requires hard labour. On the other hand workers from poor countries are ready to accept hard labour. Thus skilled labour shortage is one of the major problems facing by the developed countries. In America, Europe and Middle East, most of the workers working in the construction industry are from India and Pakistan. Because of the shortage of domestically available constructions workers and the huge demands for construction works, developed countries are recruiting bulk volumes of skilled workers from underdeveloped countries. Migration of workers in large volumes is causing demographic
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Principle of Affirmative Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Principle of Affirmative Action - Essay Example Hence, affirmative action involves in treating a minority class or group differently in order to provide improved opportunities to obtain certain good. There are trends to associate affirmative action with two lines; one is with compulsory quotas undermining the meritorious qualification and the other is with inequality where fairness is compromised for a preferential selection process. The origin of affirmative action can best be traced back to the Executive Order No.10925 of 1961 where then US President John F. Kennedy has urged federal contractors to take affirmative action to ensure prospective job applicants and federal employees were treated in an equal manner without regard to race, creed, color or national origin. Later on, creating a definitive affirmative action policy, then president Lyndon B. Johnson expressed the need to go further by discussing how companies should increase their efforts to ensure minorities and women would have real opportunities for employment and pro motions. Thus, the aim of affirmative action is to eliminate discrimination and increase the representation of traditionally disadvantaged groups (Faundez, . 1994). For example, United Steel Workers of America, a union and Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation made a voluntary agreement to correct the years of racial discrimination against Black by reserving 50% of the openings in a training program sponsored by the corporation till the discrepancy was discarded. .
Monday, January 27, 2020
Target Market And Projection Marketing Essay
Target Market And Projection Marketing Essay Ikatan Sdn Bhd that provide technology measured will be officially register and Headquarters is in Shah Alam, Selangor. Ikatan Sdn Bhd aims to be the most competitive and reliable company in provide technology product. Our business concept is basically to provide technology devices that mainly focus on ultrasonic distance measures. Besides that, we also provide services for the products especially for maintenance. Warranty for 1 year will be issued to the customer. To get to us, the customer can contact us directly to our office number, fax or by internet. Our customer services are ready to help you with accurate information. 1.1.2 Product Concept Our product is low cost, simple to use, heavy duty and environment friendly. Once an order is confirmed, we will send our staff to go over costumers place to deliver our product. All prices quoted are inclusive of relevant taxes in Malaysia. The customer may pay some amount of deposit before completing the payment. Transportation fees will be charge. Our product will base according to the customers land area. Our product also can be adjusted to the customers information on how frequent they can measure the distance. 1.1.3 We have already classified our target market which we think could bring a very high profit monthly. In our case, we had agreed to divide the target market into some categories which are target customers and target places. For the target customer, we have three types of people which are contractor, university and retailer. For different type of people, there would be different rate of charge since we consciously consider their economic ability and stability. 1.1.4 The Competitive Advantages As part of the marketing n business world, we cannot run and avoid from competitors. This is the challenge that we have to face. So in order to be constantly competitive, we decided to innovate the current availability of technology in measuring and making it for easier, user friendly, low cost and the most important thing is environmental friendly. Our product intelligent system will be developed by our research department which uses up to date technology and easy maintenance. With that, we are sure that our company can compete with other competitors at the highest level in technology. 2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A measuring tape is the common tool in measuring length and distance. However, the nature of the tool requires the user to pull out the tape according to the length that wanted to be measured. This can be problematic when the length is quite long or when measuring height and difficult places.  By replacing the tape with an ultrasonic pulse, the inconvenience can be overcome. Ultrasonic pulse greatly simplifies the process of straight line measurement. This ultrasonic pulse give benefit to user who want to measure at difficult place such as behind the cabinet that the tape cannot reach or measuring the height of ceiling Figure 2.1 : front view of Ultrasonic Distance Measure Figure 2.2 : Picture of Ultrasonic Distance Measure 2.1 Product specification Auto stop: switches off if you do not press any key for 4 min. LCD screen on a luminous background. Memory: allows you to measure and to store 3 different measures Calculation of area and volume. Addition and Subtraction function: allows you to add or subtract 2 measures. Clearing of memory function: allow you to delete quickly all the measures stored. Correction of errors: the distance measurer indicates that a distance measured is either too long, or too short. Power supply: 1 x 9V Alkaline type Battery (Not included) Units of Measure: Feet/Meters Accuracy: +/-0.5% Frequency: 40 kHz (ultrasonic pickup) Range: 0.91m to 20m Dimensions (H-P-l): 142 x 73 x 47mm Weight (without battery): 144.6g 3.0 TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION Uses ultrasonic wave(40kHz) Generated in a particular direction. If there is an object in the path of this pulse, part or all of the pulse will be reflected back to the transmitter as an echo and can be detected through the receiver path. By measuring the difference between the pulse being transmitted and the echo being received, it is possible to determine how far away the object is. The input of the product is the time of taken for the ultrasonic pulse bounce back from an object. Uses LCD to display measurement. Have backlight for easy reading of the measurement MARKET RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Market size is the estimation how big our market can be in our market area. In order to determine the market size in the area, we might have one of our staff to stand with a clipboard and a sample menu in front of the space and ask pedestrians if they would frequent such an establishment. He will park himself on the corner one early morning and do the same at noon, evening and on a weekend to determine how many customers we can expect on a daily basis. This also will be particularly important when planning a budget. For every company, marketing plan is the most important part of the business. There are no uses of good quality product if the company fails to sell the product maximally. The good marketing plan should study about the customer behavior, what the customers needs and wants, which are the potential buyers and how to satisfy the customers. Customer For our business, we did some research for the targeting customers. We have classified our customers in some categories. They are contractors, university and retailer. Because of limited resources and competition in our market, we hesitant that we are able to sell our product with equal efficiency and services to the entire market. Therefore, before we decide which market to enter, we analyze the best potential buyers using market segmentation. We divided our market segmentation into three groups to offer our product with different market mix: Group 1: contractors. Group 2: university/college Group 3: retailer A contractor is a group or individual that contracts with another organization or individual (the owner) for the construction, renovation or demolition of a building, road or other structure. A general contractor is defined as such if it is the signatory as the builder of the prime construction contract for the project. Contractors conducting work for government agencies are typically referred to as prime contractors. The responsibilities of a prime contractors working under a contract are essentially identical to those outlined above. So that why we target our market to contractor, so that we can get many benefit from them. Our secondary customer is university/college. A university is an institution of higher education and research, which grants academic degrees in a variety of subjects. A university is a corporation that provides both undergraduate education and postgraduate education. We target university because their student maybe will use electronic devices for the certain courses such as engineering, architecture and many more. Next costumer is retailer. For retailer, we will deliver our products at them and they will promote and display it at costumer like civilian, student and anyone who wants to buy it. Primarily, we have planned a fine and efficient services to offer our customers. Our service is with respect to the customers demand. Customers can directly reach us by dropping by to our company at Shah Alam. We will strive in order to improve our services and meet our customers needs and satisfaction. 4.2 Market Size and Trends Figure 4.2 : Current Total Market Size for Three Consecutive Most Previous Years The size of the current total market is thoroughly taken consecutively since year 2008 until year 2010 and represented in a bar chart as above. As visualized, the size of the current total market in 2008 is 2850 units. For year 2009 and 2010, total market size is slightly increases to 2904 units. In the following year, the total size is much better among those after year 2008 when achieved to 2904 units. Competitors Strengths Weaknesses Techshop Enterprise high quality of materials most expensive Not have too much experience Kurnia Tech one year warranty most expensive Juana Sdn Bhd cheapest product among all no warranty iRaybull Enterprise good service They have many competitors even the location are strategicTable 4.2 : Major Competitors 4.3 Competition and Competitive Edge As we can see from comparison table above, there are four (4) main competitors with the same interest. The four main competitors are Techshop Enterprise, Kurnia Tech, Juana Sdn Bhd and iRaybull Enterprise. Many costumers are preferably to go among these four companies due to their strengths in marketing. However, there are some weaknesses for these companies. We successfully encountered their strengths and weaknesses as shown in the table above. This is to ensure that our company is different and far better than them. As for us we provide quality, affordable and reasonable price, on time schedule of installation, simple yet new and advanced technology, good service, friendly workers, and maintenance free. By providing all these features, we are not only giving benefits to our business but also to customers. They will find our new programmed product and service is better than others could offer. We do not need to hire foreign employees to work with us our own native is better than them. This will help to improve and to show others that we are also competent as we successfully create such technology which is the first in country. This will shake our competitors a bit. The fundamental value that had been added to our service is the main thing about customer satisfaction and guarantee. Customers are always right, that what we use. To make sure customer is always right, the review of our service and product is continuously. This can ensure customer feel good and happy with service given and product sell, also, increase marketing of company. 4.4 Estimated Market Share and Sales 4.4.1 Market Share Market share before Ikatan Sdn Bhd Market share after tree month Ikatan Sdn Bhd enter 4.5 Marketing Strategy 4.5.1 Strengths and Weakness of Competitors Our product has several competitors such as Techshop Enterprise, Kurnia Tech, Juana Sdn Bhd , iRaybull Enterprise and others. All competitors have their own strengths and weaknesses. In general, all the competitors strengths are: They have a stable financial with a good reserve of equity due to their amount of years the company has established in the market. Their company is well-known. They have regular customers. The qualities of their products are proven. They have good promotion strategies. They provide good services. They have good in take over the customer The competitors weaknesses are: They sell their product with higher price. They dont have any market plan for their customers. The location is not suitable. The working hours is not flexible From our researched, we decide that our marketing strategy is based on marketing mix. Below are the results of the research: Product Ikatan Sdn Bhd provides the product where the customers can get many benefit from using our product. Price We promote the product in a lower price compare to other competitor Location We locate our company at the strategic place that easily for customer to come and buy it. Promotion For the promotion, we use the pamphlet to approach our market target. Apart from that, we also uses our communication skills to persuade the customers and convince them that our product can give more benefit to them. 4.5.2 Overall Marketing Strategy For our product ultrasonic distance measurer, we have come out with some business strategies in order to deliver a convincing promotion: Signboard or signage at appropriate place and clearly visible. Provide delivery services to the costumer who has order the product and that will make easier for customer to take order. We will spread widely the pamphlet to the retailer and other customer to promote our product 4.5.3 Sales Tactics Ikatan Sdn Bhd sales tactics are enforced by its sales forces and direct mail. Marketing department has already assisted by sales forces hired by top management in order to distribute company information and to promote product specialties to customers. Moreover, Ikatan Sdn Bhd has developed its own website which initiated by those sales forces and company software engineers from Engineering Department. Through mail, it will be more convenience for customers to reach companys products and thus own them via internet purchasing which is easier, faster, and most importantly secured. 4.5.4 Advertising and Promotion à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Business Card All the board of company directors will be provide with business card as an advertising method when dealing with the customers. Pamphlet We use high quality and attractive pamphlets to give good perception to our customers together with the information about our company. Signboard We used high quality and coloring signboard at nearest area to attractive customers assumes them to visit and gain to try in our company. Website 4.5.6 Distribution 1. Distribution to Contractor 2. Distribution to University/College 3. Distribution to Retailer 5.0 MANAGEMENT TEAM Chief Executive Officer (CEO) MOHD ZULHIMI BIN ZAILANI 860605-56-6905 Administration Executive MUHAMMAD REDHUWAN BIN ZAINI 870120-10-5667 Operation Executive ABDUL MUID BIN MOHD SALEH 870103-03-5185 Finance Executive MOHAMAD ZULFADLI BIN MOHD ALI 870729-10-5333 Marketing Executive MOHD IZZUDDIN BIN MOHD YUNAN 860410-56-6163 5.1 Position Description Position Description 1 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Provide leadership to ensure that the mission, ethical values and core guiding principles of the Company are put into practice. Lead the executive management team to be effective developers of solutions to business challenges thereby establishing credibility throughout the organization and with the Board. Responsible for driving the Company to achieve and surpass sales, profitability, cash flow, business goals and objectives. Motivate and lead a high-performance management team; attract recruit members of the executive team not currently in place and retain the executive leadership team; provide mentoring as a cornerstone to the management career development program. Represent the Company and its values with customers, vendors, shareholders, government and regulatory bodies, other stakeholders and the public generally. Support the recruitment, selection, individual development and monitoring of the executive management team and other senior management personnel to ensure the Company maintains a strong succession plan. Spearhead the development, communication and implementation of effective growth strategies and processes. Collaborate with the executive management team to develop and implement plans for the operational infrastructure of systems, processes and personnel designed to accommodate the growth objectives of the Company. 2 Administration Executive Provide secretarial / administrative support to the Company Senior Management Reporting to Operations Manager on the day to day operations related issues. Preparing operations reports and analyzing the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall operations functions Responsible for requisition and maintenance of office equipment including furniture and fixture, telephone system, keys Responsible for printing of office stationeries, including envelopes, letterhead, name card Coordinate documents for approval Communicate with internal and external parties on matters related to administration / office management activities Liaise with the building management on building management matters e.g. car park, maintenance, safety etc. Renewal of License, Insurance, Contract, Advertisement 3 Finance Executive Provides leadership for the entire sales and sales support organization in the sales, support and implementation of Company products and services. Develop and manage account plans/profiles Create and develop customer solutions and sales proposals. Lead in the negotiation of long-term contracts. Attain and exceed forecast sales objectives for Company products and services. Identify, understand and analyze product sales applications, new product opportunities and innovative new sales ideas. Develop sales forecasts and manage them on a bi-monthly basis and submit to management. 4 Marketing Executive Create marketing plans geared toward end users for each key product within portfolio, in line with strategy and targets and within budget. Work with the in-house designer to produce materials of visual impact and within brand guidelines. Work with the business innovations department to develop new ideas for reaching end user markets using the latest in electronic technologies. Communicate to rest of marketing team about new innovations and how they can be used to leverage marketing efforts. Write copy for each product, reflecting key messages, features and benefits. Involve key stakeholders for product at each stage of campaign, and report results once completed. Preparation delivery of marketing plan within key objective. Events planning, organization and execution. Copy writing of articles, marketing materials etc. Liaison with media and publishers as required Ensuring that all marketing materials do no deviate from the established Brand image of the business. Market research and competitor analysis. Maintains up to date with professional sector news. Supporting the development of the website. Focus on both business growth and client retention. Use email, ad words and other electronic marketing techniques to inform customers of new products and generate sales. 5 Operation Executive Responsible for smooth execution of training programmers and events Responsible for providing administrative support Accountable and responsible for the entire events and programmers from initiation to closing Willing to work flexible hours whenever necessary including weekends. 6.0 FINANCIAL PLAN The administration, marketing and operational is important in a business plan. However without any proper financial planning the implementation of a business is net worth it. From the data and information that included in the financial plan, it will help the company to evaluate their ability in managing their financial in order to run the business. Financial plan is the plan that shows the short term financial requirement in order to start a new business. It also shows how the requirement can finance the business using internal and external source. Beside that it can prove the reliable information about changes ion net resource resulting from profit directed activities. Financial planning is the last thing to prepare in this project to complete the business plan. It consists of total expenditure and budget to establish a good business. All the expenditure is such as administration, marketing, and operation budget. Actually, the basic objective of financial plan is to provide financial information which is important in determining some economic decision. Financial information is not information which is needed to be considered in making decision, but it is more important than that. We can say that, every decision make will base on financial information. 6.1 Purpose of financial plan To analyze the project and financial plan To ensure the initial capital are adequate, ability and sufficient To identify the purpose and relevant source of fund To determine the amount of loan re-payment and depreciation of fund fixed asset To appraise availability before actual investment is committed To evaluate how far or potential return on investment To make a party such as a financial institution to be confidence with the financial of the company in order to make a business loan 6.2 Strategies of financial plan Makes sure that company have sufficient amount of cash in order to take trade discount, to maintain credit rating and to meet unexpected cash needs Give advice and opinion to other department such as administration, marketing and operation in order to reach the business purpose Make sure the increase in business profit at the good stage and better performing Make sure that cash was used efficient and effectively without wastage in expenses Try to seek business opportunity in order to increase the financial strength or wealth of economy SALES AND PURCHASE PROJECTION PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION COST SCHEDULE ADMINISTRATIVE, MARKETING, AND OPERATION BUDGET Activities Start Deadlines Business registration 15 Oct 2010 2 Nov 2010 Trade mark registraton 20 Oct 2010 5 Nov 2010 Labours intake 15 December 2009 25 Feb 2010 Start production 1 Nov 2010 28 Nov 2010 Product promotion 15 Dec 2010 2 March 2011 Trial product 15 Dec 2010 1 Jan 2011 First sale 2 Feb 2011 31 August 20117.0 PROJECT MILESTONES Here are the project milestones for our company. 7.0 CONCLUSION It can be conclude that Ultrasonic Distance Measure has great potential to penetrate into the market due to low prize and high efficient usage. This was confidently proven by our experts through researches, surveys and development for more than two years. I believe this product will be successfully achieves our target sales. As a management team of Ikatan Sdn Bhd, we need to fulfill our customer needed. So, the good relationship between supplier and customer are very important. We are promise to give 100% commitment to our company. 9.0 APPENDICES Figure 9.1 Picture of Ultrasonic Distance Measure Figure 9.2 Technology used of our product Figure 9.3 Maps of our company located
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