Sunday, November 3, 2019

Philosophy- READ THE INSTRUCTIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Philosophy- READ THE INSTRUCTIONS - Essay Example The theory of empiricism says that we get knowledge through experiences. We acquire our experiences making use of senses. We know that there is a constant change in our experience. Therefore, whenever our knowledge is a subject of changes we cannot depend upon sense knowledge ultimately. I think that rationalism is the best way of viewing things. There are so many reasons to say rationalism is the best way. We can sea, hear, taste, smell, feel things. These are called experience in general. In view of neuro physiology limbic system, amygdale and hypothalamus are the responsible organs to get experience. But even a simple chemical change or damage to these organs can cause difference in experiences. Therefore, the stability of knowledge through this way is questioned. Whenever we feel the instability in knowledge, we fail to say about anything firmly that this is. So, rational knowledge is correct and superior to any other knowledge. We use our rationale to solve the problems. In mathematics we find the result through reasoning. One plus one is two. It is true and it cannot be any other number. Therefore it is a fact of necessity it cannot be gone wrongly. So we can tell that whatever conclusion may we infer through rationalizing is right knowledge. This is also an argument for stating that rational knowledge is accurate. All men are mortal, Joseph is a man, and therefore Joseph is mortal. This fact is logically proved and so it cannot be fallible. In logic we come to the conclusion through reasoning. Therefore we tell that rationalism is the accurate and correct theory. In our daily experiences we realize that many of our observations go wrong. We misunderstand things. Sometimes we misperceive things around us like seeing coir we perceive it as snake. Likewise, there are a number of such instances even in the science. At first we imagined that our world is flat but in the long run the science proved that world is oval shaped. Therefore, we

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